Artiklar i fagfellevurderte tidskrift
Dannevig, H., Groven, K., Hovelsrud, G.K., Lundberg, A.K., Bellerby, R.G., Wallhead, P., Labriola, M., (2019). A framework for agenda-setting ocean acidification through boundary work. Environ. Sci. Policy 95, 28–37.
Scott, D., Steiger, R., Dannevig, H., Aall, C., (2019). Climate change and the future of the Norwegian alpine ski industry. Curr. Issues Tour. 1–14.
Scott, D., Hall, C.M. and Gössling, S. (2019): Global tourism vulnerability to climate change. Annals of Tourism Research, 77: 49-61,
Peeters, P., Higham, J., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E. and Gössling, S. (2019): Desirable Tourism Transport Futures. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(2): 173-188.
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Rusdal, T. (2019): Klimatilpasningsarbeidet i småkommuner - stille forbigått? Plan, 51(4), 12-17. Universitetsforlaget.
Rød, J.K. Opach, T., Scherzer, S., Setten, G. (2019): Er norske kommuner klar for en farligere fremtid? Plan 51 (4).