Norsk senter for berekraftig klimatilpassing

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Climate Stories - ein klimaworkshop med UWC

Korleis folk opplever klimaendringane rundt omkring i verda, er temaet dagen før konferansen #klimaomstilling2020. Unge menneske frå ulike land - alle elevar ved UWC Red Cross Nordic i Fjaler - deler sine erfaringar i ein digital workshop der det òg blir diskusjon og ein quiz.

Climate Stories - 22. september 13.00-14.30

Personal experiences and perceptions from young adults on climate change.

We invite you to an online Zoom-workshop led by students from UWC Red Cross Nordic.

The workshop will centre around climate change experiences and personal perceptions in different regions of the world. We hope to hear stories from the participants and we also clash these perceptions with stereotypes covered by media and the hard scientific facts. The workshop starts with a video with some of our students, coming from areas with high climate change risks, and then we talk and discuss views together and in breakout rooms.

The workshop will be held in English and will end with a short presentation and a quiz.

Host: Judit Dudas, Sustainability Coordinator

UWC Red Cross Nordic, set in Fjaler, is one of the 18 international colleges in the UWC movement that works to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. 

Register by 18th of September via e-mail below: